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Oct 10 - 13(Thursday - Sunday)
Buyer Only

Oct 10   Thursday  09:30-17:00 (Last entry at 16:30)

Oct 11   Friday    09:30-17:00 (Last entry at 16:30)

Buyer & Public

Oct 12   Saturday  09:30-17:00 (Last entry at 16:30)

Oct 13   Sunday   09:30-15:30 (Last entry at 15:00)



  • Pudong International Airport

    Maglev Train:
    Only 8 minutes

    Airport Line 3, Airport Line 6:
    Approximately 40 minutes

    Take Line 2 to Longyang Road Station, then walk or transfer to Line 7 to Huamu Road Station to reach Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC); approximately 40 minutes

  • Hongqiao Airport, Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station

    Take Line 2 to Longyang Road Station, then walk or transfer to Line 7 to Huamu Road Station to reach Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC); approximately 40 minutes

  • Shanghai Railway Station, Shanghai South Railway Station

    Take Line 1 to People's Square Station, transfer to Line 2 to Longyang Road Station, then walk or transfer to Line 7 to Huamu Road Station to reach Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC); approximately 35 minutes

  • Subway Transfers

    At Line 1 Changshu Road Station, Line 2 Jing'an Temple Station, Line 3 Zhenping Road Station, Line 4 Zhenping Road Station or Dong'an Road Station, you can transfer to Line 7 to Huamu Road Station to directly reach Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC);

    At Line 3 or 4 Zhongshan Park Station, Line 1 or 8 People's Square Station, Line 4, 6, or 9 Century Avenue Station, you can transfer to Line 2, to Longyang Road Station, then walk or transfer to Line 7 to Huamu Road Station to reach Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC).



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